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A Purpose-driven Life & Business Model

I believe in being of service to my community and thus I often volunteer my artwork and design skills to environmental organizations, my time to ecological restoration projects, and my teaching to youth in outdoor education programs, and a percentage of my earnings to conservation organizations.

As my business grows, I hope to donate a larger portion of my earnings in support of environmental preservation, community youth education, and wildlife conservation. And I hope to lend my marketing skills to help fledgling conservation organizations get their message out to a larger audience.


Volunteer with Animal Rescue

Animals have always touched my soul, so I’ve volunteered with horse, dog, and wildlife rescue organizations for over 20 years.

Environmental Education

I love sharing my passion for the outdoors with kids and have led dozens of nature journaling and sketching activities with kids in the U.S. as well as Jamaica, Honduras, Mexico, and Panama.

Artwork Donations

As a lifelong artist, I often donate my original paintings for auctions that benefit conservation organizations such as the Audubon Society.

International Organizations I Support

I've been lucky to travel extensively and become inspired by a variety of environmental organizations working to save our planet.

Mindo Bird Count

Mindo, Ecuador organizes world’s the most famous Christmas Bird Count to document the epic species diversity of the rainforests. I designed their event poster and participated in the count.

Toucan Rescue Ranch

This is a wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, and release center in Costa Rica. I volunteered for one week at 2 of their sites.

Vallarta Botanical Gardens

These gardens display 1,000’s of native plants and educate the public about their conservation. I led workshops there at 3 annual events.

Pangolin Conservation

The Pangolin Conservation and Research Foundation in Namibia protects one of the most endangered mammals in the world. I led a fundraising workshop for them.

Belize Zoo

The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center is a world-renowned wildlife education center. I led a fundraising workshop for them.

EcoCuentos Project

The EcoCuentos Project in Panama is a grassroots organization working with local youth to inspire conservation. I spent two months there leading field trips.